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Out Now: EverWeb 3.5! New Website Search Feature!
Wednesday, 25 August 2021 17:40
RAGE Software recently released EverWeb 3.5 with an all new Website Search feature! This is a common feature found in many sites and EverWeb makes it easy to do! Just add the new Search Field widget to the pages in your site (preferably on a Master Page) and you’re done! It’s that easy! But, as always you can go deeper if you want and customize what search actually searches on. You can exclude pages from search and customize how the results are displayed using either a dropdown list, popup window or a separate results page that uses the second new widget, the Search Results widget! It’s a great addition to EverWeb as you can see in our own site!
Download EverWeb today from the everwebapp.com website or update your version of EverWeb using the EverWeb-> Check for Updates… option!
Here’s the video of the new features in full...
And check back soon as EverWeb 3.5.1 is on its way! :)